A Pocket Full of Kisses Guided Reading Level

In this tender sequel to the New York Times bestseller and children's classic The Kissing Hand, Audrey Penn provides parents with another tale of love and reassurance to share with their children. Chester Raccoon has a baby brother—and the baby brother is taking over his territory. When Chester sees his mother give his baby brother a Kissing Hand—his Kissing Hand—he is overcome with sadness, but Mrs. Raccoon soothes his fears with her own special brand of wisdom, finding just the right way to let Chester know he is deeply loved. Brought to life by Barbara Leonard Gibson's warm illustrations, this story is perfect for families who are adjusting to all the changes new members can bring.

    Picture Books Childrens Family Animals

32 pages, Hardcover

First published July 25, 2004

Ratings & Reviews

Community Reviews

Profile Image for Spencer.

835 reviews 14 followers

Edited November 16, 2021

Cute story for older siblings

Profile Image for ⭑✯*⭒.✶ianis✶.⭒*✯⭑.

112 reviews 1 follower

Edited January 15, 2021

cred ca v am gasit seria secreta

    2020 english-reads
January 29, 2017

A Pocket Full of Kisses by Audrey Penn is published by is published by Tanglewood in 2006. This book has 32 pages and I gave this book a 5/5 because I love the illustrations and the story. It was very heartwarming and can really tell a true story. The genre is Fiction, The grade level is Preschool-3rd grade, The Lexile level is 830 L, and the Guided Reading Level is an I.

This book is about a raccoon family, Chester, Ronny, and Mrs. Raccoon. Chester was very upset that he had a little brother and felt that his mom wasn't giving him enough attention. Mrs. Raccoon told Chester that she would always love him and that brothers will always try to play with your toys and play with your friends, but that is just how it goes. Chester then sees Mrs. Raccoon give Ronny his kissing hand, which makes Chester very sad. Mrs. Raccoon explained that everyone has their own kissing hand and that she loved them both the same.

An activity that I would do with this book would be identifying the habitat and what animals and plants did the students see and draw a picture to show what habitat and what it looks like.

The CCSS would be STD RI.1.3 Describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text.
Describe the connection between two
individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of
information in a nonfiction/informational

    Profile Image for Mr. Cody.

    1,206 reviews 17 followers

    September 10, 2020

    How to deal with sibling jealousy.

      childrens-books picture-books
    Profile Image for Michelle.

    18 reviews

    October 28, 2012

    Beautifully illustrated story about a big brother struggling to share Mama's love. My 3-year-old asked me to read this to him twice just today. We read a lot of books when I was pregnant and baby #2 was a newborn, but this book is really wonderful for dealing with tough emotions as the baby is crawling and interacting more.

      Profile Image for Alistair Parker.

      127 reviews

      December 5, 2017

      I like racoons why? you ask because there nocturnal animals I like nocturnal animals

        April 17, 2020

        This is a sweet story of a family of raccoons. Chester Raccoon has a baby raccoon wants to take him back because he is intruding on Chester' toys, swings, books and friends. Chester and his mom have what's called kissing hand where she kisses the palm of Chester's hand. When Chester sees her give a kissing hand to his brother is makes it very upset because he thought it was their special thing and that she was giving it to him. Mrs. Raccoon assures Chester that he is loved and that she in no way was giving his brother his kissing hand, that they each have their own. She explains how her love will never run out for Chester and his brother and gives Chester a special kissing hand to keep in his pocket as a spare.

        I absolutely love this book, it shows the hardship that a child may feel when they gain a new sibling. I think this would be a great book for any new, older sibling, to remind them that their new sibling does not change the amount of love anyone has for them because love never runs out. The illustrations of the raccoons in this book do an amazing job of showing the emotional connection and love between them.

          acceptance character-growth family
        Profile Image for Joan.

        2,082 reviews 18 followers

        July 1, 2019

        Chester Raccoon's little brother plays with his toys, reads his books, and follows him everywhere. Chester wants to give him back. Mother Raccoon explains that Ronny just wants to be like Chester. She gives Chester a kiss in the middle of his palm. When she does the same for Ronny, Chester worries that Mommy Raccoon doesn't love him any longer. So she tells him a story about the stars and the sun and Kissing Hands.

        The Lexile Level for this book is, as with many picture books for young children, adult directed. The 580 Level is far beyond the reading skills of Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten children. However, this follow-up to "The Kissing Hand" is a delightfully-illustrated tale that will enchant children and parents alike. It's a perfect book to share with a big brother or sister; the charming story is sure to be a favorite, requested to be read again and again.

        Highly recommended.

          April 15, 2020

          A Pocket Full of Kisses comes from The Kissing Hand. Chester the raccoon has a little brother. Having a little brother made Chester a little upset and sad. Chester was upset because he felt that his mother wasn't giving him the same attention. Chester's little brother constantly follows him, plays with his toys, and his friends. But what made Chester really sad was that Chester saw his mother give his little brother his kissing hand. Then Chester's mom explains that no matter what she loves them both the same. This book made me feel sad because I could relate it to myself. My sister and I are many years apart so when she started having children I was still young. I felt that I was being replaced especially in my parent's eyes. One day when I finally expressed how I felt they said that no matter what I was their daughter and they never stop loving me. Overall, this is a really cute book it just got a little sad because of my connection to the story.

            December 9, 2020

            A Pocket Full of Kisses by Audrey Penn is a sequel to The Kissing Hand and is continuation of the love the mother raccoon shows and shares with her children. Chester Raccoon is now a big brother and is not happy with having to share everything with his brother. Especially his mother's kissing hand. So mother raccoon comes up with a way to reassure Chester Raccoon with some extra love he so desperately wants.

            I enjoyed this book. The illustrations are beautiful and elaborate. The story was also relatable. Those who are older siblings know the difficulty of having to share everything including the love and attention of your parents. But later learning that the love of a mother or father is never ending and fair.

            In a classroom this book can stand as an example of a sibling relationship that the majority of students could relate too. The message that sharing is hard but not hard with love. And also that a mothers love is unquestionable and reassuring.


            Displaying 1 - 10 of 151 reviews

            A Pocket Full of Kisses Guided Reading Level

            Source: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/276561.A_Pocket_Full_of_Kisses

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