Can Pictures Be Taken at Roller Derby Events Near Me

Varsity Derby League


I, the undersigned, hereby agree that I will abide by the following conditions when representing and participating in all Varsity Derby League organised and sponsored events. If I am under 18 years old, my parent/guardian must agree to these terms and conditions on my behalf:

1.   I will adhere to the VDL Constitution and by-laws, and the VDL Code of Conduct.

2.   I will abide by any reasonable request from members of the Executive Committee, Training Committee, or member of the Officials Committee in relation to my safety and the safety of others.

3.   I understand that VDL is a gender inclusive Roller Derby League and that there is a possibility that I will be training in a mixed-gender environment.

4.   I understand that it is my responsibility to notify the Training Committee if I am uncomfortable training or conducting drills in a mixed-gender environment, prior to training.

5.   I will ensure that I am always wearing full safety gear when engaging in skating or roller derby within VDL and any other officially Sanctioned Events.

6.   I understand that Roller Derby is a full contact sport. I undertake all skating and skating related activities at my own risk, and will not attempt to hold VDL or any event organisers accountable.

7.   I agree to allow VDL or organisers of events to contact my emergency contact at their discretion if a deemed serious situation arises.

8.   I understand that pictures of me will be taken at events or at training and may be used in multimedia and promotional material for VDL. I also reserve the right to request my image not be taken (it will be necessary for this request to be made in person each time to the relevant person, or that a picture of me in which I am identifiable not be used or distributed).

9.   I understand that the membership payments, Training Dues and Skate Insurance cannot be refunded should I change my mind.

10. I understand that my membership can be suspended or canceled if I do not pay League Fees.

11. I understand that the information on this form will be used to provide services to me for the purpose of registration, participation, team selection and services within VDL.

12. I understand that my information may also be shared with other associations associated with Roller Derby or skating, this also including Government bodies, such as Australian Sports Commission and Australian Anti-Doping Agency.

13. I understand that the league may track personal information relating to injuries sustained at VDL Sanctioned Events. This is purely for insurance purposes and this information will not be shared without my personal consent.

14. I understand that release of my personal information outside of these parameters will require my personal consent.


This is a full extract without numbering of the Code of Conduct. Please see the full copy under the VDL Policies Section of this website or ask the VDL Executive Committee.

1.    Statement of Purpose

Varsity Derby League (VDL) provides the opportunity for members to participate in the challenging and exciting sport of roller derby. VDL aims to provide a safe, inclusive, positive and supportive environment, where members can meet new people and make friendships, learn and experience healthy sporting competition, strive and achieve personal goals, play roller derby, enjoy the sport and have fun doing it.

The purpose of VDL's Code of Conduct is to uphold VDL's obligation and duty of care for the emotional and social welfare of all its members. It will inform all VDL members of the expectations of the behaviour of individuals, their responsibilities to each other, to other derby leagues and the wider community.

The VDL Code of Conduct applies to all league members, including but not limited to, skaters, referees, officials, Non-Skating Officials (NSOs) and volunteers representing VDL. This document outlines the standard of behaviour and the conduct of its members at all VDL sanctioned events and/or other activities associated with VDL.

Disregard of VDL's Code of Conduct may result in a warning, suspension or termination of membership.

VDL values:

  • inclusiveness;
  • good sportsmanship;
  • positive body images; and
  • positive role models.

2.    Definitions

Harassment is unwelcome conduct that humiliates, offends or intimidates people and the conduct either can be reasonably considered to adversely affect the welfare of any VDL member.

Bullying is when people repeatedly and intentionally use words or actions against someone or a group of people to cause distress and risk to their wellbeing.

Bullying is not the same as conflict between people (like having a fight) or disliking someone, even though people might bully each other because of conflict or dislike.

Bullying behaviour may include:

  • unfair and excessive criticism;
  • publicly insulting people; and
  • undervaluing people's efforts or contributions:
  • at training,
  • events, or
  • as part of a committee.

Sexual harassment is unwanted conduct of a sexual nature. The unwanted nature of sexual harassment distinguishes it from behaviour that is welcome and mutual.

Sexual attention becomes sexual harassment if:

  • The behaviour is persisted in, although a single incident of harassment can constitute sexual harassment; and/or
  • The recipient has made it clear that the behaviour is considered offensive; and/or
  • The perpetrator should have known that the behaviour is regarded as unacceptable.

Sanctioned event is an event organised and run by VDL, including fundraising activities such as barbeques, which has been endorsed by the Executive Committee.

League member is a person that has paid league membership to VDL and is financial for a calendar year or part thereof as per the VDL by laws constituting a pro rata of membership fees, skate insurance premium and training fees.

Volunteer on behalf of VDL is a person(s) that is not a member of VDL but by their actions are representing the league, such as, but not limited to, a league member, Non-Skating Official (NSO) or referee from another league refereeing a VDL bout.

External events are events that are not run or organised by VDL, but VDL has a presence, such as, but not limited, to a merchandise table at a bout or tournament.

Fundraising is an event run by VDL in order to raise funds for the league or its team(s).

Impairment or Under the Influence is when, due to the consumption of alcohol, drugs or for other reasons affecting judgment, an individual would not be considered able to legally operate a motor vehicle.

Social events are any events outside of a VDL sanctioned event where a member or a volunteer of VDL may represent the league.

Duty of care means that VDL has an obligation to intervene if the league or members have reason to believe that an individual is harming themselves or others.

Procurement and transactions is anything relating to the payment of membership fees, training fees, Insurance fees, or other official monies to the league, including but not limited purchases made on behalf of the VDL that have been officially sanctioned or given prior approval by VDL's Executive Committee.

Non Skating Official (NSO) is a financial member of VDL who does not skate at training sessions, bouts or tournaments and participates in non-skating activities. Skating Members can perform the roles of NSO at VDL Games and Scrim

Stand Down Time is a set time frame in which the person/s concerned may not participate in any VDL activities/events.

3.    General League Conduct

Everyone that is governed by the VDL Code of Conduct is expected to display and conduct themselves in a courteous and professional manner whenever representing Varsity Derby League.

Members are expected to:

  • Respect everyone for their skating/refereeing/officiating ability and be given the opportunity to learn and grow in their chosen capacity; and
  • Co-operate with the requests (when reasonable) of your Committee Members, Coaches, Captains, Team Mates, Officials and other participants.

Members shall supply current, correct and relevant personal and contact information for VDL records, and, in the event of any changes, shall notify the VDL Executive Committe of such changes at the earliest convenient opportunity.

Members shall treat all other Members and all persons associated with Roller Derby with respect and equality to create a welcoming and supportive environment for all.

Members shall discuss questions, concerns and problems with the appropriate Member, Team Captain, Official or Executive Member openly and rationally with a view to swift resolution.

While VDL representative teams are competitive, remember that members participate for fun and enjoyment and winning games is only part of the experience and enjoyment of playing roller derby. Members must demonstrate good sportsmanship to fellow members and other leagues, by being supportive, encouraging and when necessary provide and receive constructive criticism. Teams and skaters must never be ridiculed for making mistakes or losing a game.

VDL and many others in the roller derby community use web platforms, i.e websites, blogs, Facebook etc, as the most effective means to communicate, engage and interact with others in the roller derby community. There is a degree of implicit trust and openness by those engaging through web platforms within the roller derby community and as such the expectation is that VDL members do not abuse that trust. VDL expects all members to engage and interact with others on web platforms, whether it is one used by VDL or others in the broader roller derby community, in a respectful manner. (Refer to VDL's Social Media Policy.)

Threatening comments or behaviour and rude gestures towards the public or another fellow member will not be tolerated and such behaviour could be grounds for warnings, suspension or expulsion from VDL.

Taking advantage of anyone affiliated with VDL in any way for personal or financial gain, for example, using VDL contacts or influence to elicit a financial benefit is also grounds for warnings, suspension or expulsion from VDL.

League members will foster an environment of inclusiveness by encouraging the participation of skaters of all skill levels by being an active mentor for someone of a lower skill level.

Every league member should be given a fair go, receive encouragement and be treated with the same amount of respect that you would expect to receive yourself;

League members will ensure that fair opportunities for the participation in our sport are made available to all members;

Injured and less-able skaters are given the opportunity to participate at whatever level they feel comfortable with, and is safe for the other participants;

League members will endeavour to discuss questions/concerns or problems openly and rationally, with sensitivity to the concerns of other people involved;

4.    Safety

League members will foster a safe environment at all times whilst representing the league in any way;

Skaters will wear all protective gear whenever standing on skates (refer to VDL's Safety by-law);

Skaters should never put themselves in a position where they are skating above their assessed ability, nor should they engage in such activities without appropriate supervision;

Skaters should always conduct themselves in a manner that is respectful of other skaters, including, but not limited to, good communication and safety;

If there is an unusual or significant hazard in any skating space used by VDL members, bring it to the attention of the nearest Executive Committee member or Trainer immediately;

Injured or incapable skaters must keep the training committee informed of any injuries sustained in and outside of skating, and in failing to do so, skate at their own risk;

Skaters will not skate or otherwise officially represent the league under the influence of alcohol, illegal substances, prescribed medication and non-prescribed medication that can cause impairment;

5.    Scrim/Training Conduct

Skaters are not to yell from the bench or at any time at other skaters.

Skaters are not to yell from the bench or at any time at either officials or referees. Teams are encouraged to nominate a Captain and Alternate for the scrim these players may perform these roles on track or from the bench, these players may communicate with the officials and referees in the same manner as they would in normal bout conditions.

Skaters will not engage in contact drills or scrimmage with malicious intent;

Skaters will not target specific players;

Skaters will show respect to the designated trainer, including guest trainers, referees, Volunteers, NSO's and will comply with all reasonable requests and instructions.

Disrespectful behaviour towards the trainers, referee, volunteers or NSO's will not be tolerated, and will incur disciplinary action.

All Skaters engaging in weekly scrimmage must hold a Yellow Star or above and referees must hold a White Star or above, as administered or recognised by the Training Committee.

6.    Serious Misconduct

Harassment of league members will not be tolerated, instances of serious harassment such as

  • Bullying in person or by other means
  • Sexual Harassment or
  • Violence

Harassment will cause a review by the Welfare Committee and the Executive Committee expulsion from the league is a likely consequence


I hereby apply for membership of Skate Victoria Inc. In so applying and in consideration of my application being accepted I have read, acknowledged and agreed to the declaration including in the warning, exclusion of liability release and indemnity clauses on the reverse of this form. I acknowledge that Skate Victoria may reject this application at its discretion. I acknowledge that if my application for membership is successful I will be entitled to all benefits, advantages and services of membership

1. Skate Victoria Code of Behavior:I will conduct myself and endeavour to ensure others in my company conduct themselves in a proper and reasonable manner and in accordance with Skate Victoria's Codes of Behaviour. I agree to be bound by Skate Victoria's constitution, rules and by-laws and the conditions of entry into the rink and to submit myself to the jurisdiction of Skate Victoria's Tribunal, Member Protection Policy and any other disciplinary forum connected with Skate Victoria.

2.  I have read the following information and understand it:

  • For the purpose of the declaration in this form 'SV', its subsidiaries, its members (including Clubs) and their respective directors, officers, members, servants or agents RULES: I agree and acknowledge that the SV Constitution: (a) Constitutes a contract between me and SV. I will be bound by and comply with the SV Constitution, SV Rules and Regulations (Bylaws) and any SV policies as well as the rules, regulations and policies of the relevant club; (b) Is made in the pursuit of common objects, namely the mutual and collective benefits, of SV, the members of SV (including me) and skating activities; and (c) Is necessary and reasonable for promoting the objects of SV and particularly the advancement and protection of skating activities. PRIVACY STATEMENT: By applying to be a member I acknowledge and agree that: (a) the information I have provided in this form is necessary for the objects of SV; (b) the information I provide on this form will be used for the objects of SV and to provide services for me and for the purposes of registration, participation, team selection and insurance and it may be provided to SV, clubs and to its insurer; and (c) my information may also be shared with organizations associated with skating, including but not limited to the Australian Sports Commission and Australian Sports Anti Doping Agency. If I do not provide the information I may not be registered as a member. SV will comply with the Privacy Act with respect to the collection, storage and security of my personal details. RISK WARNING: Skating activities can be inherently dangerous and serious accidents can and do happen. I acknowledge that I am exposed to certain risks during skating activities including but not limited to falling, crashing into another person(s), being physically or mentally injured, impaired, maimed or killed and my property may be damaged lost or destroyed. I declare that I have voluntarily read and understand this warning and accept and assume the inherent risks in skating activities. EXCLUSION OF LIABILITY: I acknowledge that where I am a consumer of recreational services, as defined by any relevant law, certain terms and rights usually implied into a contract for the supply of goods or services may be excluded. I acknowledge that these implied terms and rights and any liability of SV (or any of its State Associations or clubs) flowing from them, are expressly excluded to the extent possible by law, by this membership declaration. To the extent of any liability arising, the liability of SV (or any clubs) will, at the discretion of the SV (or any of its clubs), be limited in the case of goods, to the replacement, repair or payment of the cost of replacing the goods and in the case of services, the resupply of the services or payment of the cost of having the services supplied again. RELEASE AND INDEMNITY: In consideration of SV accepting my application for membership I, to the extent permitted by law: 1. Release and will release SV (and any of its State Associations or clubs) from all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses however arising, including but not limited to negligence, that I may have or may have had but for this release arising from or in connection with my membership and /or participation in any SV authorized or recognized activity; and 2. Indemnify and will keep indemnified SV (and any of its clubs) in respect of any actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses by any person arising as a result of or in connection with my membership and/or participation in any skating activities. 3. I acknowledge and consent to photographs and electronic images being taken of me while participating in any event recognized or authorized by SV. I acknowledge and agree that such photographs and electronic images are owned by SV and that SV may, in its sole discretion, use the photographs for promotional and other purposes without my further consent. 4. I also consent to SV using my name, image, likeness and performance in SV skating activities at any time to promote aims that SV, in its sole discretion, shall determine. 5. I acknowledge that SV cannot be responsible, and I agree not to attempt to hold SV liable, for any use of any image(s) that SV does not expressly authorize. PREGNANCY I acknowledge and agree that: (a) as a registered member of SV, I am a competitor/official with SV and am bound by the rules and regulations of SV; (b) the rules and regulations of SV are made in the interest of the sport of skating, the players and officials and SV, including: (i) Safety and protection of all players and officials; (ii) fair treatment of all players; and (iii) encouragement of safe and fair competition; (c) skating activities are activities in which contact occurs between players and between players and officials. Accordingly there is a risk to the health and wellbeing of myself and my unborn child by my participation in the sport whilst pregnant; (d) I will be bound by any rule or regulation of SV which is in operation from time to time in relation to pregnancy; (e) I: (i) indemnify and will keep indemnified SV (and any of its State Associations or clubs) from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses brought or commenced by any person at some time in the future in relation to any bodily injury, loss or damage which may have been sustained by me or my unborn child in or while being present at any skating activities or SV authorized or organized activity; and (ii) release SV (and any of its State Associations or clubs) from and against any and all actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, losses, damages, penalties, costs and expenses brought or commenced by me in relation to any bodily injury, loss or damage which may have been sustained or incurred by me as a result of my participation in any skating activities or my presence at any SV authorized or organized activity whilst I am pregnant. (f) Sports Medicine Australia considers contact sports and collision sports fe only in the first trimester of pregnancy; and (g) I have been advised that any insurance policy held by SV includes an exclusion clause in relation to any injury associated with pregnancy and childbirth SEVERABILITY The provisions (or any part of a provision) of this membership declaration shall be deemed to be severable and the invalidity or enforceability of any provision or any part of a provision of this membership declaration shall not affect the validity of this membership declaration.

3. Fitness to Participate: I declare that I am medically and physically fit and able to participate in any Skate Victoria authorized or recognized activity of my choosing including competitions. By checking the AGREE box you agree that the information on this form is true and correct and will abide by the Skate Vic Code of Conduct and have read all the information that is on this form.

Can Pictures Be Taken at Roller Derby Events Near Me


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