The first Saturday in May is the special day scrapbookers across the globe look forward to — National Scrapbook Day! Well, cue the drumroll (and designs!) because 2021's National Scrapbook Day ("NSD") is this Saturday! If you'll be looking for a way to commemorate the photo celebrations, layout ideations and album creations from the comfort of your craft room, we've got the perfect way for you to crop away on the best day of the year!

Join us on the Virtual Crop Facebook Group to take on an #NSD2021 pop-up sketch challenge with TWO layouts that you can create to win YOUR CHOICE of one of two NSD-themed prizes! (Hint: We also have step-by-step instructions to create the layouts in this blog post if you'd prefer to do it that way.)

Continue reading Take On the National Scrapbook Day #NSD2021 Sketch Challenge

It's finally here… THIS WEEKEND we celebrate National Scrapbook Day!!! It's obviously kind of a big deal for us because, in our opinion (and hopefully yours), it's the best day of the year and is an awesome reason to celebrate! We know there will be lots of weekend events and retreats, cropping with friends or scrapbooking away in the quiet solitude of your own craft cave. Need a fun project to create to celebrate the big day? Check out this scrapbook layout made by Marja from CM Home Office Canada and try creating them yourself! (Hint: If you've never seen the exclusive products that are used in this layout, make sure you check out the Ingredients section to see how YOU can get them!)

Continue reading Celebrate National Scrapbook Day with this Fun Scrapbook Layout

Thanks so much to everyone who has joined us this weekend for our Worldwide Virtual Crop! It's been so fun seeing all your beautiful layouts and cards and the innovative ideas you've come up with.

And now… it's time for the LAST CHALLENGE of our Worldwide Virtual Crop!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 12

Isn't scrapbooking thebestway to spend the day (and night)?! We're down to the final two challenges for the Worldwide Virtual Crop, so without further adieu… here's challenge 11!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 11

Here we go again, virtual croppers… it's time for challenge 10! If you're just joining us for the first time now, welcome! Grab your scrapbook supplies and get comfortable at your craft table, because we've got a great sketch for you!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 10

Who is having a good time cropping with us today during the Worldwide Virtual Crop? Are you feeling excited and inspired by the sketches and loving all the creative ideas? We are, too!

In fact, we're extraexcited because it's time for another challenge!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 9

Alright, croppers – who is feeling scrap-happy and ready to do a two-page spread?! We've got an awesome sketch for you to make your own…

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 8

Isn't scrapbooking thebestway to spend a day?! The finished challenges from the last round look absolutely fantastic – thanks again to everyone who is joining us today!

Now, let's keep the momentum going with another challenge!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 7

Alright, scrappers… it's the magical time again – time for another challenge! This one is a card sketch, BUT if you don't feel like making a card you can always find a way to make it into a layout or spread.

On your mark, get set… GO!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 6

Welcome back toWorldwide Virtual Crop 2019! If you've already joined us for a few challenges or if you're joining us for the first time now, we're so glad you're here!

We've got a bunch more challenges we just know you're going to love taking on… just wait and see! So, on your mark, get set… let's go!

Continue reading Worldwide Virtual Crop 2019: Challenge 5