How Do You Make the Real Origami Yoda

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If you're thinking about making a Yoda out of origami, you've made a great choice. It's a challenging and fun activity that will leave you with a recognizable and interesting looking character. If you want to start with a simpler version, you can always try that first.

  1. 1

    Start with a 7x5 inch piece of origami paper. Lay the paper down so that the 7 inch (17.8 cm) side is vertical and the 5 inch (12.7 cm) side is horizontal. If the paper is two colors, start with the robe color facing up.

    • You can use any color paper that want, but remember that Yoda is green. If you would like a green Yoda, use green origami paper.
  2. 2

    Begin making measurements. Measure 4.25 inches (10.8 cm) up from the bottom of the paper. [1] Mark the spot with a pencil. Then fold and crease the paper where you have the pencil mark. Fold the bottom part of the paper up.

  3. 3

    Make another pencil mark. About an inch from the top of the bottom part that you just folded up, make another pencil mark. Then, fold the top of the paper back along that line. You should have two folds about an inch apart with one fold coming from the top and one fold coming from the bottom.

  4. 4

    Flip the paper over. You will now be looking at the unfolded side of the paper. Make a small mark at the top of this side right in the middle. Now make another fold along that line to create a zig-zag pattern in the paper. Then, flip the paper back over to the original side.

  5. 5

    Make a double pleat. This double pleat will become Yoda's eyes. To make it, draw a small line about .25 inches (0.6 cm) down from the top of the fold. [2] Make another small mark at the bottom of the first fold you made. Make another fold along that line to create a pleat in the paper. Then, flip the paper over again and do it once more.

    • A pleat is made by making two folds close together.
  6. 6

    Repeat the measurements at the bottom of the paper. You'll want to repeat steps three and four, but at the bottom instead of the top of the paper. You don't have to do the step to make the eyes again Begin the pleat about 1 inch (2.5 cm) up from the bottom [3]

  1. 1

    Fold down the top two corners. Then, unfold them and use the tuck them into the folds that you have made previously. These folds will be directly below the corners that you just folded down, so it should be easy to figure out. These will become the ears. [4]

  2. 2

    Flip the paper. Fold both sides in and down from the top right and left corners until they meet in the middle.

  3. 3

    Make your ears. The next step is to fold the ears out. Find the corners that you tucked inside those pleats you made earlier. Unfold them so that they're sticking out.

  4. 4

    Make your head. Now you need to fold down the head. Fold down the top of the paper so that the double crease you made earlier is on top of the creases you made after your third and fourth pencil marks.

  5. 5

    Gently pull at the pleats. If you want, you can sculpt Yoda's expression by pulling at the eye and mouth pleats. You can even make Yoda's ears pointier and more wrinkled by pulling at them and crinkling the paper. [5]

  1. 1

    Start with the robe side up. Fold the top of the paper down about an inch (in other words, fold it so that one inch of the green side is showing at the top of the brown side).

    • It's best to use origami paper that is green on one side and brown on the other. You can get this at any craft store. However, you can continue the process using any colored paper - the Yoda just might not be colored correctly. It will still have the right shape.
  2. 2

    Fold both the top corners down. You want to fold them so that their edges line up with the edge of the green line. Make a crease, then unfold them. [6]

  3. 3

    Tuck in the corners. Using the creases you made in previously as guidelines, tuck the corners in between the two sides of the paper. This will create two flaps, which will later become the ears.

  4. 4

    Turn the paper over to the green side. Then, fold the bottom up one inch so that there is an inch of brown showing at the bottom of the green. [7]

  5. 5

    Fold the flap back down. You're undoing the step where you folded the bottom up one inch. Fold it back down. The goal is to make a new crease that is different from that fold. Do not use the same crease you created the first time you folded the bottom up one inch. Create a new crease as close to the first crease as possible. This will create a zigzag shape.

  6. 6

    Turn the paper back over. Fold the paper up so that the bottom edge almost touches the top edge. Crease well.

  7. 7

    Make a new crease. Fold the paper down just above the crease left over from step 5 when you made the zigzag crease.

  8. 8

    Turn the paper back over. Fold the left corner down and into the middle. Repeat with the right side. [8]

  9. 9

    Fold out the ears. Find the triangle flaps of paper in the center. Fold them so that they stick out. Turn the paper back over and then you're done! Feel free to draw on a face or round out his head if you wish.

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To make an origami Yoda, start by making a double pleat at the top and bottom of a green, rectangular piece of paper. Then, fold down the top corners, unfold them, and tuck them into the folds you made. Next, flip the paper over, and fold both sides in and down from the top corners. Finally, fold the ears out so they're peeking out from the sides, and fold the top of the paper down toward the bottom to make the head. To learn how to make a paper Yoda finger puppet, scroll down!

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How Do You Make the Real Origami Yoda


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