How to Make Eco Friendly Scrapbook

June's interests include mixed media arts, paper crafts, exploring the online world, energy healing, geocaching, reading, and movies.

Altered Wall Hanging Made from Packaging

Altered Wall Hanging Made from Packaging

Green Scrapbooking: Reuse, Recycle, and Restore

Hey Scrapbooker, Card Maker, and Paper Crafter! Did you know that "going green" is not only good for Mother Earth? That's right—it's also good for your pocketbook!

This article offers tips for reusing, recycling, and making your own environmentally friendly scrapbooks and other green arts and crafts projects. I know these tips work because I have made every one of these items myself.

If you have an eco-friendly tip to add, please leave a comment. Tips related to card making, stamping, altered art, mini albums, decorations, and the myriad of other projects that fall loosely into the scrapbook category are welcome.

6 Green Scrapbooking Tips for the Eco-Friendly Scrapbooker

  1. Make Envelopes From Recycled Paper
  2. Make an Album From an Unwanted Book
  3. Convert Junk Into Gifts and Decorations
  4. Make a Recycled Christmas Card
  5. Recycle Your CDs or DVDs
  6. Find Toolbox Treasures
 Envelope Made from Glossy Brochure

Envelope Made from Glossy Brochure

1. Make Envelopes From Recycled Paper

Calendars, catalogues, and glossy folders make great envelopes.

If you already make your own cards, you know that finding the right sized envelopes can be a challenge. Why not make your own envelopes using paper that you have around the house? Old calendars are perfect. So are many catalogs, brochures, and assorted advertising materials that show up in your mailbox daily. You can also use wallpaper samples or leftover strips of wallpaper, brown paper bags, packaging material, or most anything else that folds easily.

You don't need a pattern. You simply wrap your card as you would a parcel and shape a flap. You will need to use labels for the "To" and "From" data. I print my From labels from the computer using Avery labels. For the recipient's address, I attach a strip of plain paper and write the address by hand. In the picture, I have not yet attached the recipient's address, but you can see the return label quite nicely.

Scrapbook Made from Altered Board Book

Scrapbook Made from Altered Board Book

2. Make an Album From an Unwanted Book

Children's board books convert into clever, imaginative albums or journals.

In this project, I turned an unwanted ' board book into a St. Patrick's Day mini album. It was a gift for a child. Board books work well for this type of project, but you can use other types of books too. Using recycled books is called making "altered books."

The good thing about altering a discarded book and converting it into a scrapbook is that you are saving the book from the trash heap while avoiding buying or making a new book or journal.

There is one word of caution, however. Books are not acid-free. I would not advise using this type of album for heritage pictures or for memorabilia that you want to save for a long time.

The video here demonstrates how I made the altered book album. This was my first attempt at a video—I managed to improve over time.

3. Convert Junk Into Gifts and Decorations

Take a quick peek at the picture at the top of this lens. I made the wall hanging using cardboard inserts that came with new cookware. I painted the cardboard, glued a picture from a greeting card in the middle and trimmed with paper flowers and ribbon. It's an attractive wall hanging in real life—no one ever guesses its hand made from junk.

Be alert and keep your eye open for unusual items that you can use to create green arts and crafts projects.

Recycled Christmas Card

Recycled Christmas Card

4. Make a Recycled Christmas Card

If you create your own handmade greeting cards, this tip will save you time and money and is a more eco-friendly solution. Use the cards that you receive from others (except for the ones you save for sentimental reasons, of course). Cover these items with papers, embellishments, and trim. Be sure to conceal any images or text that appears on the original card, both inside and out. Alternatively, you can purchase a box of cards at the Dollar Store and redecorate them. This way, you get the envelopes as well.

Naturally, you are not limited to holiday or Christmas cards. Messages for any occasion work as well.

Mini Album Made From Recycled CDs

Mini Album Made From Recycled CDs

Photo Frame Made from Recycled CDs

Photo Frame Made from Recycled CDs

5. Recycle Your CDs or DVDs

Old CDs and DVDs are like gold to those who create altered art, as well as other crafters. Save all you have and ask your friends to give you their old ones as well. In the big picture above, I made a stand-up photo album using eight CDs. I have seen these CD albums made using as many as 16 disks. The album closes to lie flat, or you can stand it upright and fan it open like a flower.

Similarly, you can convert CDs or DVDs into lovely photo frames. In the picture here, I have used two CD disks to make a heritage photo frame.

Brooch Made from Recycled CD or DVD

Brooch Made from Recycled CD or DVD

Recycled CDs Make Great Jewelery or Embellishments

Wear them or use them as embellishments.

Recycle your CDs and DVDs to make brooches, earrings, or embellishments for your artistic projects. You will need craft paint, a stamp and ink, Ultra Thick Embossing Enamel (UTEE), and a pin for the back if you are making a brooch. Brooch pins are sold at Michaels and other arts and crafts stores.

  1. Heat the CD in boiling water to soften it a bit. Then, using old scissors, cut or break the CD into irregularly shaped pieces. Be sure to protect your eyes when you do this. Little pieces can fly around when the disk breaks.
  2. Paint the front of the CD piece with any color craft paint. Allow the paint to dry thoroughly.
  3. Stamp an image on the dried surface, using all or part of a stamp. Allow to dry.
  4. Apply two or three coats of clear UTEE to the CD piece. Allow to dry, or while the UTEE is still melted, you can stick in some tiny beads or sprinkle with glitter.
  5. Optionally, punch a tiny hole in the CD piece, and attach a charm
  6. If making a broach, attach the brooch pin to the back.
Recyeled Hardware as Trim for Tag Art

Recyeled Hardware as Trim for Tag Art

This is all about hardware put to good use.

Rather than buy embellishments, take a look through the toolbox or the junk drawer. You often find great little doodads that you can use or trim to make wonderful and original trims for layouts, cards, tags, or other projects. Bits of cord, washers, and what-not are super for the grunge look and also great embellishments for masculine projects.

In the tag art shown, I have made two grunge-look tags. They are decorated with pieces of cord, metal chain, and little metal washers.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on February 16, 2012:

@anonymous: Thank you so much for visiting and commenting.

anonymous on February 16, 2012:

You have inspired me to start going greener! Thank you.

kevinidf on December 13, 2011:

I think, it is high time to use recycle material. Cost of these recycled material is smaller than others. I am experienced person of the packaging industry and i know importance of recycled cardboard. Not in just packaging industry, this thing is useful for all purpose.

anonymous on November 24, 2011:

Hey I have reviewed your squidoo lens and I really liked it. Because of this I went ahead and âlikeâ you on squidoo. Giving your lens another like.

When you have time, please take a look at my lens. It is located at

If you like my lens, please add a like to my lens as well. I am new to squidoo and I would appreciate any comments at all.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on August 12, 2011:

@mistyblue75605 lm: Thank you!

mistyblue75605 lm on August 12, 2011:

Lots of creativity here!! Love it all!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on February 14, 2011:

@JJNW: Thank you so much. I am thrilled to receive your blessing.

JJNW from USA on February 14, 2011:

*** Blessed by a the Craft Ideas SquidAngel *** for excellence of ideas, instruction, content and all-around green wonderfulness!!

â¥â¥â¥ I love your lens. Thanks for making it! â¥â¥â¥

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on October 11, 2010:

@ajgodinho: Thank you so much. It's always wonderful to receive a Squid Angel Blessing

Anthony Godinho from Ontario, Canada on October 11, 2010:

Wonderful and creative ideas on green scrapbooking...**Blessed by a Squid-Angel**

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 30, 2010:

@aishu19: Thank you!

aishu19 on April 30, 2010:

me too!! I love how you re-use the CDs.. Great Lens and Congrats on the lens of the day!! That is a great achievement!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 26, 2010:

@rasik-life: Thanks. Yes, CDs have so many great uses to crafters. Thanks for commenting.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 26, 2010:

@rasik-life: Thanks. Yes, CDs have so many great uses to crafters. Thanks for commenting.

rasik-life on April 26, 2010:

like the CD photobook... lately i was thinking what to do new with them...

beautiful lens..

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 25, 2010:

@lasertek lm: Thank you! Yes, junk materials have the added benefit of being both unique and cheap! In fact, most are free.

lasertek lm on April 25, 2010:

Nice! I have been using junk materials on my scrapbook ever since because it allows my mind to create unique designs plus I need not shell out a few bucks. Great lens! 5*

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 23, 2010:

@anonymous: Thank you!

anonymous on April 23, 2010:

Congrats on Earth Day for Charity LOTD! Selected trash makes very good scrapbooking materials indeed. ;)

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 23, 2010:

@Dorsi: Very true. I have even asked my friends to save trash for me. Selected trash, of course.

Dorsi on April 22, 2010:

Great collection of ideas. I love making things out of "junk". One persons trash, another persons treasure as they say!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@HorseAndPony LM: Thank you so much, Horse and Pony Angel! Happy Earth Day also

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@Lee Hansen: Many thanks. Happy Earth Day to you also

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@paperfacets: Thank you! I live in an apartment and there is no compost bin, but add my scraps to the recycling paper bin that we have in the building.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@paperfacets: Thank you! I live in an apartment and there is no compost bin, but add my scraps to the recycling paper bin that we have in the building.

HorseAndPony LM on April 22, 2010:

This is a great collection of ideas! Happy Earth Day. Blessed by The HorseAndPony Angel,

Lee Hansen from Vermont on April 22, 2010:

Happy Earth Day and congrats for a fitting lens tribute to living and crafting "green."

Sherry Venegas from La Verne, CA on April 22, 2010:

Good practices and ideas. When my small paper scraps are not reusable I up them in the compost bin. I am known to use strips of paper 1/8" wide. Balloons and confetti for a perfect LotD for Earthday.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@modz: Many thanks.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@Tarra99: Thank you for visiting and your lovely rating.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@Tarra99: Thank you for visiting and your lovely rating.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@coppertantrum: Thank you for dropping by and for your kind words.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@RhondaAlbom: Thank you so much for your gracious comments.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 22, 2010:

@Heather426: Thanks so much for stopping by and posting.

modz on April 22, 2010:

Very nice!!! Congrats

Tarra99 on April 22, 2010:

Congrats on LOTD!...great green scrapbooking lens! 5*

coppertantrum on April 22, 2010:

Beautiful! I love the grunge tags and the recycled envelope will help me greatly! Thanks!

Rhonda Albom from New Zealand on April 21, 2010:

Congrats on LOTD - well deserved.

Heather Burns from Wexford, Ireland on April 21, 2010:

fantastic ideas and beautiful! congrats on LOTD!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@SandyMertens: Many thanks.

Sandy Mertens from Frozen Tundra on April 21, 2010:

Congratulations on your LOTD. Very nice lens.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@anonymous: Thanks Deb. What a nice thing to say. Thanks for visiting.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@norma-holt: Thank you. Squid Angels are the best.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@GonnaFly: Thats a great idea. I do iris folding as well. I'll be sure to check out your lens.

anonymous on April 21, 2010:

This ideas are fabulous! What a treasure chest for my kids and I!!

We are so inspried. Thanks for sharing all of your great ideas.

norma-holt on April 21, 2010:

Fabulous ideas and great resources. Congrats on LOTD and blessed by this angel and featured on Sprinkled with Stardust

Jeanette from Australia on April 21, 2010:

I use the insides of old envelopes to make cards (shown on my iris folding page). Another way to recycle "junk" paper. Great lens!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Mickie Gee: Thank you, Squidangel! CDs and DVDs are like gold to me. I beg my friends to save me their old ones. They keep asking me what music I want on them and I keep saying I don't give a hoot, just bring the CD. :-)

Mickie Gee on April 21, 2010:

I have seen some brooches made from CD's in our Art Museum. Thanks for telling me how I can use CDs and DVDs for something other than drink coasters!

For that you get a blessing from this SquidAngel!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@kimmanleyort: Thank you, and thanx for the video thumbs up! LOL

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Amy Fricano: Your art sounds fascinating. I'll be checking out your lenses. Thanks for commenting.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@noxid25: Thank you! And Happy Earth Day to you also,.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@KeithWinter: Hey, what a great idea. I'd love to see a picture of those earrings somewhere. Thanks for posting.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@anonymous: Thank you J and the FFIDS. I take it you are all having a good day?

kimmanleyort on April 21, 2010:

One person's trash is another's treasure. Very creative ideas for recycling and making keepsake gifts. By the way, I loved your video. Congratulations on LOTD for Earth Day!

Amy Fricano from WNY on April 21, 2010:

loved it. I don't scrapbook, but you gave me some great ideas for stuff I make art objects that I call "Arbage Garde" art (avant garde made with would be garbage, with a touch of pigLatin). eat-gray!

noxid25 on April 21, 2010:

I love to scrapbook and these are wonderful green ideas. I like to re-use wrapping paper and only use paper made of recycled goods. Featuring on my facebook page today. Happy Earth Day and congrats on LotD.

KeithWinter on April 21, 2010:

Great lens. I was at a party a few months ago and one of the guests was collecting the ring pulls from beer and cola cans. I asked her what she was doing and she showed me her earrings, bracelet and necklace. They were all made from ring pulls. She has started a craze amongst our friends. It's difficult to find ring pulls these days!!

anonymous on April 21, 2010:

June is soooo talented. I admire all the work she does. Being earth friendly is a major bonus. Good on ya, June

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@ZenandChic: Thank you so much. Will lensroll as well.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@verymary: Many thanks for stopping by and your kind comments.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@JenOfChicago LM: Thank you so much. Always love Squidangel Blessings!

Patricia on April 21, 2010:

Great lens! Blessing it and lensrolling to my Being earth friendly lens!

Mary from Chicago area on April 21, 2010:

fitting lens for Earth Day!

Jennifer Sullivan from Chicago, IL on April 21, 2010:

Great tips! Blessed by a squidangel

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@eclecticeducati1: Thank you!

mariejoy on April 21, 2010:

Congratulations! Very informative lens, gotta love it! =)

eclecticeducati1 on April 21, 2010:

Cute lens! Congratulations on your LotD! :)

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Rachel Field: Thank you! Perhaps you will try it yourself?

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Kiosks4business: Thank you!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Ecomum: Thank you! Perhaps you could do the same if you knew the techniques. All of us went through a learning curve where we attended classes or studied books and learned how to do these things.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@anonymous: Thank you kindly! And good luck with your weekend project. I hope you will post a picture somewhere and share it with us.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Rose6851: Thank you!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Kiwisoutback: Thank you! I am thrilled to be LOTD

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@anonymous: Thank you so much!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@puzzlerpaige: Thank you! Envelopes are fun, aren't they?

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@Faye Rutledge: Thank you for visiting and commenting.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@modz: Thank you for visiting!

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 21, 2010:

@stacy mcdaniel: Thank you! I had not realized I was LOTD -- wonderful! And thanks for commenting.

stacy mcdaniel on April 21, 2010:

Congratulations on lens of the day. I like the idea of using old DVDs for picture frames. Good Tips!

modz on April 21, 2010:

Very good lens. Congrats !!!

Faye Rutledge from Concord VA on April 21, 2010:

Thanks for the great tips! Congratulations on LotD!!

puzzlerpaige on April 21, 2010:

Oh, I love making envelopes. They always turn out very interesting. These are some really neat ideas. Congrats on LOTD!

anonymous on April 21, 2010:

Congrats on your LOTD! - Kathy

Kiwisoutback from Massachusetts on April 21, 2010:

Very nice work. Congratulations on LOTD!

Rose6851 on April 21, 2010:

Good work......................keep it up, I gave it 5 stars.

Delia on April 21, 2010:

great idea and great LOTD! as an artist I do a lot of recyle art and love the challenge...great info and ideas here!

anonymous on April 21, 2010:

This is a wonderful lens! I love your Green Scrapbook Tip #2. Make an Album from an Unwanted Book. I'm going to attempt my first one this weekend with my son...using an old board book of his choice. Thank you for such great (and Earth-friendly) ideas. 5* and a huge ((HUG)) from me.

Congrats on LotD. You are an inspiration!

Ecomum on April 21, 2010:

I wish I could same, but I can't. At least I can be inspired with this lens. Nice, and by the way, Congrats on LOTD.

Kiosks4business on April 21, 2010:

Great Lens - I really like the DVD photo frame idea.

June Campbell (author) from North Vancouver, BC, Canada on April 16, 2010:

@Rachel Field: Thanks! I appreciate you stopping by.

Rachel Field on April 16, 2010:

Great ideas! I especially love the CD brooch idea!

How to Make Eco Friendly Scrapbook


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