How to Make a Pentecost Origami Fire

Pentecost this weekend is all about celebrating the birth of Christianity.

And what better way to do that with your kids than with some pretty awesome activities – teaching them the story of the Holy Spirit and how God gave it to the apostles so they could share the wisdom with the world.

Here are some of our faves… and you don't have to be religious to join in the fun.

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1) Make origami doves

The dove symbolises many things including hope, promise, holiness, sacrifice and divinity – and of course Pentecost.

An origami dove takes a lot of patience to master so younger children can always make an easier dove using paper plates.

2) Make a paper windmill, wind sock or flag

When God gave people the wisdom of the Holy Spirit, according to the Old Testament, the first thing they heard was the wind from the sky.

A great way to remind kids of this is by making a paper windmill, wind sock or a flag to hang outside your home on Whit Sunday.

3) Make a fire dress

This is pretty cute for younger kids, especially if you link it in with a choreographed dance or performance.

This dress from Asda could make a good base layer or even this one for just £5.

4) Knot yourself a fire ribbon mobile

A nice simple one here. Buy some red, yellow and orange ribbons and for each one tied on, make it represent a prayer or thought for someone in need. The end result will look like the flames of the Holy Spirit as it came to earth.

Full instructions on how to make it can be found on the blog.

5) Bake a fire red velvet cake

The recipe can be found here. Nom nom.

6) Or how about some fire biscuits?

Yes, they have chocolate chips inside… recipe here.

7) Teach them a new language


Gus in the Go

This will take some prep but learning a few new words is the perfect way to show children the importance of speaking in foreign tongues.

There are some great apps for this, including Gus in the Go, Sign Language: Fun Learning for Kids, Little Pim and Kids Learn Mandarin. More apps can be found here.


Everything you need to know about Pentecost and Whitsun

When is Whit Sunday and Pentecost?

D2YCN2 VERONA - JANUARY 27: Apse of Chapel Miniscalchi in Saint Anastasia's church scene of the Pentecost, 2013 in Verona

Apse of Chapel Miniscalchi in a church scene of the Pentecost in Verona (Picture: Getty)

Pentecost or Whit Sunday will be on 15 May this year, 50 days after the last Sabbath of Passover on April 30.

As the date of Passover (Pesach) is marked on the Hebrew calendar, the day WhitSun fall will always differ each year depending on the position of the moon and the Sun.

For example, in 2017 Pentecost will fall on Sunday June 4.

What is Pentecost?

The Pentecost, c. 1315. Found in the collection of the National Gallery, London. (Photo by Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images)

Depiction of the Pentecost in the National Gallery, London (Picture: Getty Images)

The name 'Pentecost' derives from the Greek word 'Pentekostos', which translates as '50'.

Pentecost falls during the Feast of Weeks or 'Shavuot' festival in the Jewish calendar – a thanksgiving celebration to God – because the apostles were celebrating Shavuot when the Holy Spirit descended on them – sounding like a strong wind and looking like tongues of fire.

Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the apostles started talking in foreign languages. Passers-by thought they were drunk, but Peter told them they were actually high on the Holy Spirit God had given to them.

Peter began preaching after the first Pentecost, gaining more than 3,000 followers who were subsequently baptised, which is why Pentecost is often referred to as the birthday of the church.

In Christianity, the celebration marks the beginning of the church as an official movement and the Holy Spirit.

Symbols of Pentecoste

These include flames, wind, the breath of God and a dove.

Why is it called Whitsun and Whit Sunday?

The descent of the Holy Spirit (Pentecost). The Wings of the Wurzach Altar, 1437. Found in the collection of the Staatliche Museen, Berlin. (Photo by Fine Art Images/Heritage Images/Getty Images)

The descent of the Holy Spirit – known as the Wings of the Wurzach Altar (Picture: Getty Images)

While Britons usually refer to the celebration as 'Pentecost', the date is traditionally referred to as 'Whitsun' by the Christian church.

'Whitsun' essentially means 'White Sunday' because, it is believed, the date is a day for baptisms when people would wear white.

Others believe the name 'whit' is a Anglo Saxon term meaning wit, understanding and wisdom – relating to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

And Whit Monday?

Pentecost, altarpiece fragment, 1437-1445, by Blasco de Granen (active 1422-1459), tempera on panel, 113x68 cm

Depiction of Pentecost (Picture: Getty)

Whit Monday – or Monday of the Holy Spirit – follows Whit Sunday and is marked with a public bank holiday in most countries except the UK. The UK used to have one but it was replaced with a spring bank holiday on the last Monday of May in 1971.

This year this spring bank holiday falls on May 30.

How to Make a Pentecost Origami Fire


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