Can Imperial Decree Roll With One Two Punch
God rolls for Menagerie weapons in Destiny 2
Discover whether the gun you got from the Menagerie in Destiny 2 is a god roll or one you should dismantle.
God roll Menagerie weapons are some of the best guns in Destiny 2. They have excellent base stats, can be easily acquired, and can come with some truly incredible perks. The only difficulty is knowing whether or not the gun you have is a god roll weapon or total garbage.
God roll Menagerie weapons
There are 28 weapons that can be earned from the Menagerie, but only a few of them are worth collecting. Not all of them are Calus weapons, in fact, some great weapons happen to be from the Dreaming City and even Banshee-44's rank-up packages.
You will want your weapons to roll with a range trait, the exception being Erentil FR4, which works better with a stability trait.

Beloved is an adaptive frame Sniper Rifle that was added with Season of Opulence. Thanks to its inclusion in the Menagerie loot table, you can get a quality sniper for use in PVP. In fact, Beloved is one of the best PVP Sniper Rifles in the game. Depending on your playstyle, the perks you're chasing will differ:
- No Distractions and Box Breathing
- Snapshot Sights and Quickdraw
If you prefer to control a lane by sitting at the back and ensuring no one enters, then the first roll is going to be the best option. This just so happens to be the curated roll as well. It is possible to deal a lot of damage in Crucible, even kill people in their Supers, when Box Breathing is procced.
The second group of perks is better for the more aggressive player, the one that likes to quickscope or move around the field with impunity. While it won't be able to knock a player out of their Super, it will be able to body-shot low-health players thanks to its natural high impact rating.
In the event you get a Beloved with Moving Target, consider holding on to it. Increasing target acquisition goes a long way.
Twilight Oath

Another excellent Sniper Rifle available through the Menagerie is Twilight Oath. Much like Beloved, the two main groups of perks is going to change depending on your playstyle:
- No Distractions and Box Breathing
- Snapshot Sights and Quickdraw
The difference with Twilight Oath is that even with Box Breathing, it's unlikely that it will kill a player while in their Super. The reason for this is that Twilight Oath is a rapid-fire sniper, meaning it's able to get shots out quicker, ensuring you make the second shot when the first misses the precision hit. The trade-off is that its damage is lower than Beloved.

Austringer is currently a top-tier weapon in Destiny 2, and it's thanks to its god roll from the Menagerie. If you're farming for a god roll for PVP, there are two perks you will want to receive:
- Eye of the Storm
- Rangefinder
These two perks push out Austringer's range to some incredible distances. Eye of the Storm also ensures you land those last few critical hits in a 1-on-1 engagement. In terms of barrel and magazine perks, anything that pushes the range is important:
- Hammer-Forged Rifling
- Accurized Rounds
A PVE-oriented Austringer is going to come down to personal preference. For me, Outlaw and Demolitionist are two perks that have been game-changing. Demolitionist means you rarely go a moment without having a grenade charged, and throwing it automatically fills your ammo. It's a perpetuating cycle. In the event you do run out of ammo, Outlaw speeds up the reload.
Waking Vigil

A god roll Waking Vigil is going to absolutely destroy in Crucible. At the moment, Hand Cannons hit like a truck, but they suffer in the range department. Waking Vigil on the other hand is able to roll with two perks that synergize extremely well to push the range out to some preposterous levels:
- Opening Shot
- Slide Shot
Opening Shot improves the accuracy and range of the first shot and Slide Shot partially reloads the magazine and boosts range. By juggling shooting a sliding, you can basically keep the gun's range at its maximum. Thankfully, you're not just limited to the Menagerie for farming a Waking Vigil, it can also drop from activities in the Dreaming City.
Erentil FR4

Once Lord of Wolves is nerfed, the secondary slot is going to be looking for a new king, enter: Erentil FR4. This Fusion Rifle seems to be a sniper in disguise, at least when it lands with a god roll. For those that want to blast fools with a Fusion Rifle from halfway across the map, there are some very specific perks you want:
- Transmission MS7
- Liquid Coils
- Firmly Planted
- Backup Plan
The first two perks help decrease the charge time and boost out the range. Once the range is as far as it can go, Firmly Planted comes in and pushes it further. With a stability masterwork, the bolts from this fusion are tightly packed together. Finally, Backup Plan makes the charge time near non-existent. You can basically switch to it as you slide and fire off a blast before your enemy can react.
Another perk that is worth considering is High-Impact Reserves. In Crucible, you spawn with half the ammo, which means High-Impact Reserves is applied on those last two shows of Erentil. You will be able to deal more damage, and with Firmly Planted, it will be more damage at greater ranger. This will mean missing out on Backup Plan, so you won't be able to react to opponents as quickly.
Imperial Decree

Imperial Decree is one of the best shotguns in the game, outside of Emperor's Courtesy with One-Two Punch. Given that it's a primary slot Shotgun, you will want to ensure you have a secondary weapon to help fill the combat middle ground. There are four main perks that you should be aiming for on Imperial Decree:
- Full Auto Trigger System and Trench Barrel
- Grave Robber and Swashbuckler
Trench Barrel and Full Auto make a primary version of the Ikelos Shotgun and one that's easier to acquire than Threat Level. This set of perks ensures you deal a lot of damage in a short amount of time. This is also going to be a safety net in case Bungie nerfs One-Two Punch.
The second option, Grave Robber and Swashbuckler, has a lot of synergy between the two perks. Grave Robber reloads the magazine from reserves on melee kills and Swashbuckler increases damage from melee kills and weapon kills. Provided there are adds around, it's possible to melt a lot of yellow-health enemies.
Getting a god roll weapon from the Menagerie can take a bit of time. Even though you can select the weapon you want, getting the right perks might take a dozen runs. The end result is often worth the grind, as these are some of the best weapons in Destiny 2. Head over to the Shacknews Destiny 2 complete strategy guide for more weapon breakdowns.
Hailing from the land down under, Sam Chandler brings a bit of the southern hemisphere flair to his work. After bouncing round a few universities, securing a bachelor degree, and entering the video game industry, he's found his new family here at Shacknews as a Guides Editor. There's nothing he loves more than crafting a guide that will help someone. If you need help with a guide, or notice something not quite right, you can Tweet him: @SamuelChandler
Can Imperial Decree Roll With One Two Punch
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