Can You Resolve Special After Rolling in With Holocron
Want to learn more about specific cards from the world of Star Wars Destiny? The Cards in Focus series examines cards individually and checks out where they sit in the tournament scene!
This week we examine "Sith Holocron"
A way to evaluate a card in any game is to ask the question "Does it break the rules?", in Star Wars Destiny each player gets 2 resources a turn, Sith Holocron allows the player to essential "cheat" on this resource system by resolving the special and switching in a Blue Ability upgrade that cost more resources than the player might potentially have. For example a player could switch Sith Holocron with a Mind Probe and they are up 4 resources and have essentially only "lost" a die resolution as the Sith Holocron goes back to the players hand meaning they don't even lose a card in the exchange.

Force Throw

Mind Probe
Of course Sith Holocron fits in a deck with Blue Ability upgrades, most likely high-costed Blue Ability upgrades that you are looking to cheat into play instead of actually paying for. Examples of decks that suit this card are eVader / Raider or more controlling / midrange builds like last weeks deck tech eDooku / eJabba. You can read that deck tech here.
As mentioned Sith Holocron allows the user to cheat on resources, they are able to play and potentially roll in higher costed Blue Ability upgrades early in the game, this resource advantage allows the user to spend their resources on other cards like dice mitigation events. The tempo the user can gain from Sith Holocron is huge. The card also doesn't even always need to hit the special, the 1 Focus and + 1 Resource are great hits in the deck that this card slots into.
When the player resolves the Sith Holocron special they return the Sith Holocron card to their hand, this means they can then play this again next action to potentially cheat in another Blue Ability upgrade or they can even use it as a discard for a re-roll.
Sith Holocron is very similar to some of the most broken cards in another trading card game called Magic the Gathering, in the first sets of MTG their were cards like Black Lotus that would allow the player to cheat on 3 Mana for the cost of 0 Mana and a card, these two cards are very similar in allowing players to play higher-costed cards earlier.
If you are playing a deck that uses Sith Holocron you are always looking to Mulligan for this card, it may seem tempting to keep a hand with dice mitigation events if your plan is to control the opponent, but it's often correct to Mulligan your whole hand to find Sith Holocron, even if you don't end up with a Blue Ability upgrade the potentially to get this out early and find a Blue Ability upgrade later is huge. Just be careful when vs'ing opponents with yellow characters and the card Disarm.
When resolving the special on Sith Holocron and choosing to pay the resource to roll in the die for the Blue Ability upgrade if you roll the special you are able to resolve that die at the same time, as you are still in the process of resolving the special on Sith Holocron, an example of this is when you resolve a focus die to turn another die to a focus you are able to then resolve that all in the same action.
If there is one card I would suggest stocking up on and the one card I think will continue making an impact throughout the release of expansion sets for Star Wars Destiny it's this one. This card just keeps getting better the more Blue Ability upgrades are released into the game. For instance check out one of the latest spoilers for Spirit of Rebellion: Force Lightning and tell me you're not looking forward to holocroning that into play!
Next week we look at the "Holdout Blaster!"
Can You Resolve Special After Rolling in With Holocron
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