Chapter 10 Section 3 Guided Reading Muslim Culture Philosophy

Heba Amin by Sebastian Böttcher

Portrait of Heba Amin in the FU magazine "campus.leben"

In their October issue, campus.leben featured our doctoral fellow Heba Amin who also took up a position as a professor at Kunsthochschule Stuttgart this semester

  • Read the article (in German)
Muslim Matter Cover

Alina Kokoschka's "Muslim Matter" Contribution Published In EastEast Magazine

An article by our alumna Alina Kokoschka that first appeared in the edited volume "Muslim Matter" was translated to English and Russian and published in the EastEast Magazine as "The Thing With Islam" / Те самые вещи ислама.

  • Read the English version here
  • Read the Russian version here
GAMSzine no. 2

GAMSzine: 2nd Issue Online

The second issue of GAMSzine, the magazine of the Department of Gender and Media Studies for the South Asian Region at HU Berlin, has been published. With contributions by Nadja-Christina Schneider and Salma Siddique, among others.

  • Read the issue here
Buchcover Weltgeschichtsschreibung

Our alumnus Philip Bockholt's dissertation "Weltgeschichtsschreibung zwischen Schia und Sunna" published

The newly published dissertation of our alumnus Philip Bockholt is a historiogriphal study of writing chronicles in the premodern Islamic world. It also offers an in-depth analysis of Persian scholar Khvāndamīr's universal history Ḥabīb al-siyar.

  • About the Book
  • Philip Bockholt's Alumni Profile
Southern Theory 2

Second Southern Theory Lecture at ZMO

Prathama Banerjee from the Centre for the Study of Developing Societies in Delhi speaks about anti-historical excursions from South Asia. With an introduction by Kai Kresse (ZMO, BGSMCS) and discussion with Abdulkader Tayob (University of Cape Town), moderated by Hansjörg Dilger (BGSMCS). The annual Berlin Southern Theory Lectures at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient aim to decenter and diversify theoretical debates in the social sciences and humanities.

  • Southern Theory Lecture (10 Dec 2020) with Prathama Banerjee on YouTube
  • About the Berlin Southern Theory Lecture series
Buchcover Islam in a Zongo

"Islam in a Zongo": Our Alumnus Benedikt Pontzen Published His Dissertation

The dissertation of our alumnus Benedikt Pontzen was published as a book. "Islam in a Zongo" is a detailed anthropological study of Muslim communities in southern Ghana.

  • About the Book
  • Benedikt Pontzen's Alumni Profile
Rašić Buchcover

"The Banisher of Madness": Dissertation of Our Alumna Dunja Rašić Published

The dissertation of our alumna Dunja Rašić was published as a book. It sheds light on the relationship between language, logic and grammar in the teachings of the grammarian 'Abū Bakr Muḥammad b. Saḥl Ibn al-Sarrāj whose works on Aristotelian logic had a great impact on the study philosophy and Arabic grammar in 10th-century Baghdad.

  • More information on the book
  • Dunja Rašić's profile

"Picturing the Islamicate World" - Newly Published Dissertation by Nadja Danilenko

Our alumna Nadja Danilenko has published her dissertation "Picturing the Islamicate World. The Story of al-Iṣṭakhrī's Book of Routes and Realms". In this monography, she explores the oldest preserved maps of the Islamicate world and their manuscript tradition.

  • More information on the book
  • Nadja Danilenko's profile

Wendy Shaw: MESA Book Award

For her book What is 'Islamic' Art? Between Religion and Perception (Cambridge University Press, 2019), Prof. Dr. Wendy M. K. Shaw has received the MESA Book Award 2020, the most significant prize in Middle Eastern Studies worldwide. Announced at the Middle East Studies Association's Annual Meeting, the award honors works that exemplify innovative basic research, scholarly excellence, and clarity of presentation. In her book, Shaw explores the perception of arts, including painting, music, and geometry through the discursive sphere of historical Islam.

  • About the book
  • Read the Introduction here
  • MESA Book Award
  • Interview with Wendy K. Shaw
Buchcover von "Minding their Place"

"Minding their Place" - Newly Published Dissertation by Antonia Bosanquet

Our Alumna Antonia Bosanquet has published her dissertation. "Minding Their Place" is the first full-length study of Ibn al-Qayyim's (d. 751/1350) collection of rulings relating to non-Muslim subjects, Aḥkām ahl al-dhimma. Bosanquet argues that it represents the author's personal composition rather than a synthesis of medieval rulings, and analyses how Ibn al-Qayyim uses the notion of space to convey his view of religious hierarchy.

Bosanquet, Antonia. 2020. Minding Their Place: Space and Religious Hierarchy in Ibn al-Qayyim's Aḥkām ahl al-dhimma. Leiden: Brill.

  • More information on the book
  • Antonia Bosanquet's alumni profile
First Southern Theory Lecture

First Southern Theory Lecture at ZMO

Felwine Sarr (University Gaston Berger in Saint Louis, Senegal) speaks about "Rewriting the Humanities from Africa: For an Ecology of Knowledge". Followed by a discussion with Kai Kresse (ZMO, FU Berlin). With an introduction and moderation by Alexis von Poser (Staatliche Museen zu Berlin), Hansjörg Dilger, Sandra Calkins and Kristina Mashimi (all three FU Berlin).
The annual Berlin Southern Theory Lectures at Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient aim to decenter and diversify theoretical debates in the social sciences and humanities.

  • First Southern Theory Lecture with Felwine Sarr (11 Dec 2019) on YouTube
  • About the Berlin Southern Theory Lecture series
Axel Havemann mitte der 1980er

Obituary for Axel Havemann (1949-2019)

On October 11, 2019, PD Dr. Axel Havemann passed away in Burgas, Bulgaria, at the Black Sea. For more than four decades, he was a steadfast presence at the Institut für Islamwissenschaft in Berlin. He introduced generations of students to the history of Lebanon since the 19th century and the social and economic history of the Early and Middle Islamic periods. In the new issue of "Der Islam" (97/1, 2020), Stefan Heidemann (University of Hamburg) has published an obituary for him.

  • Obituary for Axel Havemann in "Der Islam"

Stefan Maneval elected as a new member of AGYA

BGSMCS alumnus Stefan Maneval has been elected as a member of the Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA). Based at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW), AGYA aims to establish a community of outstanding Arab and German researchers (3-10 years after earning their PhD), by supporting joint innovative projects in various fields of research across different disciplines.

  • Hompage of the AGYA
  • Profile of Stefan Maneval

Alina Kokoschka's dissertation now published as a book

Our Alumna Alina Kokoschka published her dissertation with Kadmos publishering house: "Waren Welt Islam. Konsumkultur und Warenästhetik in Syrien 2000−2011" looks at Syrian society in the pre-war decade through its commodities and comsumption culture. It shows how everyday life was organised in the context of a growing Islamisation of society and the remains of Arabic socialism, in the area of tension between Islam and regime, as well as an economic opening to "the West" and to consumer's cultures of the surrounding regions.

  • Book presentation: Kadmos-Verlag
  • Alina Kokoschka's profile
  • Interview with Alina Kokoschka
Buchcover von "New Islamic Urbanism"

New book by alumnus Stefan Maneval

Tracing the emergence of 'New Islamic Urbanism', this book sheds light on the changing conceptions of public and private space, in the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries, in the Saudi city of Jeddah. Showing that the rigid segregation regime for which the country is known serves to constrain the movements of men and women alike, Stefan Maneval provides a nuanced account of the negotiation of public and private spaces in Saudi Arabia.

  • Open-access publication
  • Profile of Stefan Maneval
Wendy Shaw

Wendy Shaw receives DRS supervision award

The Dahlem Research School honoured our Principal Investigator Prof. Wendy Shaw for her exceptional commitment in the supervision of doctoral researchers. Shaw had been nominated by current and former doctoral candidates, whose favourbable comments convinced a jury. In his laudatory speech, Markus Edler explained how Shaw's diverse network was a gain for her students that could not be overassessed. The nominators had also praised how exceptionally supportive Shaw was for young academics whose freedom of research was restricted in their home countries. Moreover, according to the laudatory speech, Shaw had become a role model of good scientific practise.

  • Personal Profile of Wendy Shaw
  • DRS Award for Excellent Supervision

Prof. Dr. Beatrice Gruendler is awarded the Berliner Wissenschaftspreis 2019

Our Principal Investigator Beatrice Gründler, Professor for Arabic Language and Literature at the Institute of Arabic and Semitic Studies, was awarded the Berliner Wissenschaftspreis 2019, honoring her excellent research on arabic literature and her contribution "to a public and differentiated discourse on arabic-islamic culture", as Berlin's governing mayor Michael Müller stated.

  • Berliner Wissenschaftspreis
  • Pressemitteilung der Freien Universität Berlin

Fritz Thyssen Stiftung: Funding for the BGSMCS

For the upcoming two years, the Fritz Thyssen Foundation will fund a Post-Doc scholarship at BGSMCS. It aims at supporting researchers on their way to their habilitation. Thus, the programme in support of PostDoc researchers at BGSMCS can continue.

  • Fritz Thyssen Stiftung fördert PostDoc-Position an der BGSMCS
Muhammed Niyas Ashraf, Nadja Danilenko, Rosa Castillo und Clemens Holzgruber

"To study at BGSMCS has enriched my life and enhanced my career."

Our programme offers excellent academic training and supervision, support structures for professional and personal development, and membership in a diverse and international group of doctoral researchers. Our graduates work in academica, political and cultural institutions, and civil society organisations.
Here is how our doctoral students summarise their experience.

  • Meet our doctoral students
201910_Bockholt_Preis 2

Philip Bockholt receives the research award of the Annemarie Schimmel Foundation

Our alumnus Philip Bockholt was awarded the research prize of the Annemarie Schimmel Foundation for Islamic Studies on October 3, 2019 in Hamburg at the DAVO Conference & Workshop of the DMG Section Islamic Studies. The prize is endowed with 5000€.
In September, Bockholt had already been awarded the Honourable Mention of the 2019 S.I.E. European Award for Iranian Studies at the 9th European Conference of Iranian Studies at Freie Universität Berlin.


  • Read more
201909_Schirin Preis

Prof. Dr. Schirin Amir-Moazami was awarded the Avicenna Prize

We are very happy to announce that our PI Schirin Amir-Moazami was awarded the 2nd Avicenna Prize on September 18, 2019! The chairman of the Avicenna-Studienwerk, Prof. Dr. Bülent Uçar, paid tribute to her "productive, tireless and innovative work with regard to religious topics". Her research enriches both basic research and current socio-political discourses.

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Prof. Kai Kresse publishes book on "Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience"

"Swahili Muslim Publics and Postcolonial Experience" is an exploration of the ideas and public discussions that have shaped and defined the experience of Kenyan coastal Muslims. Focusing on Kenyan postcolonial history, our PI Prof. Kai Kresse isolates the ideas that coastal Muslims have used to separate themselves from their "upcountry Christian" countrymen. Kresse looks back to key moments and key texts—pamphlets, newspapers, lectures, speeches, radio discussions—as a way to map out the postcolonial experience and how it is negotiated in the coastal Muslim community. On one level, this is a historical ethnography of how and why the content of public discussion matters so much to communities at particular points in time. On another level, this ethnography of the postcolonial experience also provides a non-Western model to understand regional conceptual frameworks and intellectual practice.

  • Publisher's website

Juliane Müller's book "Nahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin" wins Iranian book prize

The book of our Alumna Juliane MüllerNahrungsmittel in der arabischen Medizin. Das Kitāb al-Aġdhiya wa-l-ašriba des Naǧīb al-Dīn as-Samarqandī was awarded the "26th World Award for the Book of the Year of the Islamic Republic of Iran" in Teheran on 5 February 2019.

  • About the book

Studies in Honour of Gudrun Krämer: "Ways of Knowing Muslim Cultures and Societies"

This edited volume showcases a variety of innovative approaches to the study of Muslim societies and cultures, inspired by and honouring Gudrun Krämer and her role in transforming the landscape of Islamic Studies. With contributions from various scholars associated with BGSMCS, including our Alumna Alina Kokoschka, our former Managing Director Bettina Gräf and Principal Investigators Schirin Amir-Moazami, Birgit Krawietz, Kai Kresse and Cilja Harders.

  • About the book

Neue Buchveröffentlichung von unserem Alumnus Max Kramer: " Mobilität und Zeugenschaft Unabhängige Dokumentarfilmpraktiken und der Kaschmirkonflikt"

Ist unabhängiges Dokumentarfilmschaffen im Kaschmirkonflikt möglich? Über den Fokus auf Mobilität zeigt Max Kramer neue theoretische und methodische Zugänge zur Erforschung von filmischen Praktiken in Konfliktregionen auf. Er argumentiert, dass die Herstellung von Zeugenschaft zunehmend auf verschiedene Momente von Mobilität bezogen ist. Mit einem praxeologischen Zugang zur filmischen Form wird die Schaffung und Aushandlung audiovisueller Zeugnisse des Konflikts analysiert.

  • Personal Information

Lecture Series: Configurations of Race, Religion and Language in Modern Knowledge

The institutes of Islamic Studies and Arabic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin hold a lecture series on the "Configurations of Race, Religion, and Language in Modern Knowledge". The events are organized by Prof. Schirin Amir-Moazami (Islamic Studies) und Prof. Islam Dayeh (Arabic Studies).

  • Lecture Series Poster
Saskia Schäfer Freigeist Fellowship 2018

Saskia Schäfer has received the "Freigeist-Fellowship"

Our Alumna Saskia Schäfer has received the "Freigeist-Fellowship" from Volkswagen Foundation for her research project "Secularity, Islam and Democracy in Indonesia and Turkey". The project analyses democratization processes in Indonasia and Turkey. Saskia Schäfer is working with her research team at the Institute for Asian and African Studies of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.

  • Read more
Heba Amin

Heba Amin exhibits on 10th Berlin Biennale

Our doctoral fellow Heba Y. Amin exhibits her latest art works on the Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art!
What if Africa and Europe converge? A new supercontinent called Atlantropa emerges...
In Heba's work the lines between past, present and future as well as between truth and fiction are blurred.
The 10th Berlin Biennale will take place from June 9 to September 9, 2018.

  • Read more
Albrecht Dar al Islam

Dār al-Islām Revisited: Territoriality in Contemporary Islamic Legal Discourse on Muslims in the West

The doctoral thesis of our Alumna Sarah Albrecht has just been publishes at Brill (Series Muslim Minorities, 29). Albrecht explores the variety of ways in which contemporary Sunni Muslim scholars, intellectuals, and activists reinterpret the Islamic legal tradition of dividing the world into dār al-islām, the "territory of Islam," dār al-ḥarb, the "territory of war," and other geo-religious categories.

  • Read more

Hawass - Contemporary Archive | Virtual Showroom | Open Research Exchange

Our alumn Alina Kokoschka just published the beta version of her website "hawass". Hawass is an image based open science platform on current aesthetic phenomena of Muslim cultures and societies. This project was supported by BGSMCS.

  • Further Information

SAFEResearch Handbook website online!

Our doctoral fellow Jannis Grimm is one of the project coordinators of the SAFEResearch project as well as author of the SAFEResearch Handbook. This book is aimed at supporting researchers at all career levels who are preparing for or engaged in on-the-ground research in challenging environments. The handbook provides a guiding framework that will enable higher-education staff and students to undertake fieldwork as safely as possible.

  • Learn more
Nicola Verderame

Nicola Verderame has received the Benno Geiger Award for Poetry Translation

BGSMCS Fellow Nicola Verderame has received the Benno Geiger Award for Poetry Translation 2017, special award for the first publication by a young translator, organized by the Fondazione Cini in Venice. The book of poems by Tugrul Tanyol Il vino dei giorni a venire (The wine of the days to come, Ladolfi editore, 2016), curated by Verderame.

  • Further Information

Berlin Graduate School Muslim Cultures and Societies has won the Einstein Prize for Doctoral Programmes

At its New Year reception on 18 January 2018, the Einstein Foundation Berlin awarded the Graduate School the Einstein Prize for Doctoral Programmes. The award honours outstanding structured doctoral programmes.

  • Further Information
Abubakar, They Love Us Because We Give Them Zakat

New publication: Dauda Abubakar's PhD thesis on zakāt in Northern Nigeria

We announce our alumnus Dauda Abubakar's first monograph about the social and political impact of the practice of zakāt in Northern Nigeria. Abubakar's book "They Love Us Because We Give Them Zakāt" was published in October 2020.

  • More information on the book
  • Dauda Abubakar's profile

Image Credits


Heba Amin by Sebastian Böttcher

Image Credit: Sebastian Böttcher


GAMSzine no. 2

Image Credit: —


Buchcover Weltgeschichtsschreibung

Image Credit: —


Southern Theory 2

Image Credit: —


Buchcover Islam in a Zongo

Image Credit: —


Rašić Buchcover

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Picture of "Trickster Orchestra"

Image Credit: —


Buchcover von "Minding their Place"

Image Credit: —


First Southern Theory Lecture

Image Credit: —

Axel Havemann mitte der 1980er

Axel Havemann mitte der 1980er

Image Credit: Monika Senge, Berlin



Image Credit: Markus Rack / Zentrum für verfolgte Künste



Image Credit: AGYA/Moustafa Abdelwahed



Image Credit: —


Buchcover von "New Islamic Urbanism"

Image Credit: —


Wendy Shaw

Image Credit: Bernd Wannenmacher



Image Credit: Senatskanzlei – Wissenschaft und Forschung



Image Credit: —

Muhammed Niyas Ashraf, Nadja Danilenko, Rosa Castillo und Clemens Holzgruber

Muhammed Niyas Ashraf, Nadja Danilenko, Rosa Castillo und Clemens Holzgruber

Image Credit: —

201910_Bockholt_Preis 2

201910_Bockholt_Preis 2

Image Credit: —

201909_Schirin Preis

201909_Schirin Preis

Image Credit: —



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Image Credit: —

Saskia Schäfer Freigeist Fellowship 2018

Saskia Schäfer Freigeist Fellowship 2018

Image Credit: Foto: Philip Bartz für VolkswagenStiftung



Image Credit: KörberStiftung

Heba Amin

Heba Amin

Image Credit: Heba Amin

Albrecht Dar al Islam

Albrecht Dar al Islam

Image Credit: —



Image Credit: —



Image Credit: Jannis Grimm

Nicola Verderame

Nicola Verderame

Image Credit: —



Image Credit: Einstein Stiftung


Abubakar, They Love Us Because We Give Them Zakat

Image Credit: —

Chapter 10 Section 3 Guided Reading Muslim Culture Philosophy


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