Garage Sale at Everything Scrapbook & Stamps June 2
- My Conversations
Anyone ever get a good scrappin' buy at garage sale?
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Sep '08 Krissykat
Today i went to garage sale thinking I could get some supplies fairly cheap. Got to the place and it looked like lady had run a small store from her place. Pretty much everything was its regular price and I could even get it cheaper at M's or J's for less. Did get some eyelets for 50 cents that I've never seen before. What has been your best buy at a garage sale (scrapbook related?)
Sep '08 Angie213
About four years ago I got a plastic storage container (the kind with the snap on lid and handle...a nice one) filled with ink pads, stamps and high quality gel pens (still haven't run out/dried up...all for $1.50.
Sep '08 Riorabbit
Wow Angie, that is a great deal!
I haven't gotten any great deals since I am not much of a garage sale shopper...personally I would probably be like that lady and try to charge more too... It stinks to spend a ton on supplies and not be able to get the money back off of them just because they left the store. Besides, people can always make offers or you can drop prices through out the day if it does not sell.
Sep '08 Scrappin Kitty
I went to an estate sale, and the woman who had passed away use to run a craft shop. I got 4 huge totes of craft stuff for $25.
Sep '08 J3Mel
I got a carpet sample rack converted to a paper rack for $5.00.
I get silk flowers for a quarter all the time. I just pull them apart and layer all the different colors.
I have gotten new SU stamp sets for $1.00.
All kinds of decorative jars for quarter to 50 cents to store flowers, chipboard etc in
Sterilite drawers for 50 cents.
cd cases to store clear stamps in for 10 cents.
ribbon, ribbon, and ribbon...........lots of ribbon
speaking of garage sales....I should be headed to bed. I'm leaving at 6:30 in the morning to go to a city wide with my SIL. I"m on a mission to find kitchen chairs and a headboard. It is supposed to be raining so maybe I can find some really good deals.
Sep '08 NMlady
- riorabbit Said:
Wow Angie, that is a great deal!
I haven't gotten any great deals since I am not much of a garage sale shopper...personally I would probably be like that lady and try to charge more too... It stinks to spend a ton on supplies and not be able to get the money back off of them just because they left the store. Besides, people can always make offers or you can drop prices through out the day if it does not sell.
The purpose of a garage sale is to get rid of stuff that you don't want, don't use, not to recoup the cost you paid for it. People go garage saleing to get good deals. That lady should sell her stuff on Ebay if she wants more for it. If I wanted to pay near new prices I'd buy it on sale at HL.
Sep '08 Prettylolo
i have gotten a few jolee's for a quarter, corner punch for 50 cents, buttons, ribbon. not much though because i haven't been out to sales for a while.
Sep '08 BonL
I once found scrapbooking magazines for 25 to 50 cent each. The lady had three to four years worth.
Sep '08 Scrappinshortie
i like to look for neat looking things to store my things in.. esp clear jars.. but the best find i ever got was paper racks i got two of them and i think i paid $10 for the both of them.. heres a pic of them they are in front of the window.
my scrap studio
By Scrappinshortie -
Sep '08 Okiegrandma
I got a box full of stuff 3 year ago and when I looked through it there were about 2 doz. ink pads, in wonderful colors and I'm still using them, about 30 spools of thread, stamps, charms, some of those organizer boxes of beads, lots of stuff. I paid a dollar. Then I went to a thrift store today and there were about 5 or 6 packs of paper, and they were marked 6 bucks each and they were ugly!
I keep having this dream where I ask the owner how much is this album and they say if you want scrapbook stuff I've got a whole lot more inside! -
Sep '08 Croppin4Christ
I keep having a dream where I go to a garage sale that is being run by a man. There is a lot of scrapbook stuff, like a whole room's worth. I asked questions about different items and he said, "You want it? Just take it all. All or nothing." So, I loaded up my van with all of it. His wife had an affair and he was cleaning out all of her stuff!!!
My niece tells me that it can't come true if I don't go out and look for sales!!
Sep '08 Kozy Scraps
I got 7 big bags of silk flowers for free. I don’t go yard sales much, but for some odd reason when I do I always end up leaving with something that they just gave away. The silk flowers were the only thing I ever got that was scrapbook related.
Sep '08 Riverroadrn
this wasnt particularly a yard sale, but a lss was closing and I cleaned up. The tables were loaded and I got stuff for a fraction of the cost.
Sep '08 Gayle3131
...hmmm, guess I should check out some garage sales. I might find something great!!!!
Sep '08 Scrapbookbuzz
Nope. Tried once. But all she had was 'old school' stuff (like from when scrapbooking just STARTED to be a big thing).
Sep '08 Bgsl56
A couple years ago I went to a moving sale that advertized scrapbook supplies. The lady had tried selling Creative Memories stuff and gave it up. I bought a couple containers of things plus 2 totes full of stickers, markers, cutting system, punches, papers & lots more. In total I paid $43 --- when I got home I went to their website & added it up ---- The stuff was worth over $800. Now that's what I call a bargain!!!
Sep '08 Mariposa326
- bgsl56 Said:
A couple years ago I went to a moving sale that advertized scrapbook supplies. The lady had tried selling Creative Memories stuff and gave it up. I bought a couple containers of things plus 2 totes full of stickers, markers, cutting system, punches, papers & lots more. In total I paid $43 --- when I got home I went to their website & added it up ---- The stuff was worth over $800. Now that's what I call a bargain!!!
Wow, that is awesome!
Sep '08 ~*~Kathie~*~
I got my scrap room table and chairs at a garage sale for $50 -- woot woot.
Garage Sale Table & Chairs By ~*~Kathie~*~
Sep '08 Mommie75
i have never found anything but then again i do not really ever go to any.. i have been to a few and have never found any scrap stuff at them i did get a whole box of felt thou for the kids for 10.00
Sep '08 Mimmy96
I found a big shot machine and hundred of dies for REALLY cheap... I ended up spending $300.00 that day for way over a $1000.00 worth of merchandise.. Thank goodness she let me post date some checks...LOL It was a GREAT day!!
Sep '08 _pink_glitter_hearts_
i never really found anything scrap related at a yard were right to not want to pay that much though.
Sep '08 Lamoo12
last summer, my MIL and i randomly went to her neighborhood garage sale. and there was someone dumping supplies from a store she had previously owned. everything was insanely on sale. $5 stickers for a quarter! $1 papers for 10 cents. i went nuts! i spent about $60 but had over $300 in supplies. talk about enabling!
Sep '08 PaperPrincess13
As big of a yard saler as I am, I haven't found anything that I could say would be great for scrapping. Much to my disapointment.
Sep '08 Scrappinraiderfan
I just had a yard sale after I cleaned out my scrap room to redo it. I sold paper in packs of 50 for $5 (figured ten cents a sheet was good for mostly brand name paper), stickers in BIG grab bags for $3, paper racks for $10 etc...Needless to say I made over $800. It went over very well. It didnt all sell tho as I had a ton so I am now ebaying it lol.
Sep '08 Judy_Scraps
- riorabbit Said:
personally I would probably be like that lady and try to charge more too... It stinks to spend a ton on supplies and not be able to get the money back off of them just because they left the store.
A good rule of thumb for pricing at a yard sale is to ask 20% of what you paid for it. If she wanted to recoup her money she should put it in lots on the auction site. My bet is she didn't do very well at her yard sale.
I've found a few things at yard sales (ribbons, paper packs, acrylic paints and rubber stamps) for dirt cheap. I found a brand new PSB binder once and the woman wanted $20 for it. I already have one but even if I didn't I wouldn't pay that, new or not. It's a yard sale. If I wanted to pay $20 I'd buy it with a coupon at A.C. Moore where I can return it if there's something wrong with it, KWIM? Yard sales are for unloading stuff you no longer want, not for trying to get back everything you paid for it. I've been to yard sales with a lot of new CM stuff. I guess the consultants are trying to unload it. Sometimes it's cheap, sometimes not. One woman was selling a bunch of used CM totes for $10, which I thought was a great deal. I don't need anymore totes so I didn't buy one.
I had my own yard sale last June and I can tell you my "customers" got some real good bargains. I sold embellishment packs 25 cents each or 5/$1.00. Everyone was grabbing five at a time. I had magazines for a quarter each. I sold a brand new paper tote for $1.00. I had patterned paper packs 20 sheets for $1.00 and a huge pack of neutral cardstock for $2.00. Most of the scrap stuff was gone within the first hour. At the end of the day I gave away what was left for free so I wouldn't have to bring it back into my house. Someone went home with a xyron 150 for free. One man who came out used to work for a paper company and he came back to my house later in the day with packs of cardstock and a 12x12 spiral bound album - for free! It's not like I need more paper but my daughter uses it all the time. He's a foster parent and I'd given him some toys and clothing at a previous yard sale so he repaid me with paper.
I've also gotten some good stuff from Freecycle. I got a brand new Crop In Style Junior tote from a woman who got it as a gift and didn't need one. I also got a rolling 3 drawer cart from a mechanic who bought it for his shop and never used it. I just had to clean it up a little and now it holds my chipboard and paper scraps.
Gotta love yard sales and Freecycle.
Sep '08 NMlady
- scrappinraiderfan Said:
I just had a yard sale after I cleaned out my scrap room to redo it. I sold paper in packs of 50 for $5 (figured ten cents a sheet was good for mostly brand name paper), stickers in BIG grab bags for $3, paper racks for $10 etc...Needless to say I made over $800. It went over very well. It didnt all sell tho as I had a ton so I am now ebaying it lol.
PM me your ebay user name, please.
Garage Sale at Everything Scrapbook & Stamps June 2
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