Can You Roll Blunt With Swisher Sweet Blk
There's nothing more satisfying than pearling a blunt.
Unfortunately, not all blunt wraps were created equally, and rolling a blunt is actually harder than it seems.
If you want to be a pro blunt roller, it's going to take time and, most importantly, a lot of practice.
Hey, on the bright side, at least you get to smoke all of them… you'll definitely be pretty smacked by the time you master the art of the roll!
Anyway, in this guide, you're going to learn how to roll a blunt like a pro, so you and your friends can smoke fat doinks whenever you want.
Without further ado, let's learn how to roll!
How to Roll a Swisher
There are many different kinds of blunt wraps, and some are easier than others to roll. Swishers are uniform, easy to split, and they're pretty easy to roll as well.
If you're a beginner, swishers are probably your best bet. In this tutorial, you'll learn how to roll a perfect swisher in under two minutes!
How to Roll a Blunt in 5 Easy Steps
- Gut the blunt wrap
- Prepare Your Weed
- Fill the blunt wrap with weed
- Tuck the blunt over the weed
- Lick, roll, and get baked!
We'll be using a Game wrap, but our rolling technique applies to just about every regular blunt wrap.
Before you get rolling, you'll need:
- A blunt wrap
- Weed
- A lighter
- Blunt splitter (recommended)
- A rolling tray (recommended)
Believe it or not, you actually don't need a grinder if you want to roll a blunt.
In fact, I prefer to break up my weed by hand, at least when I'm rolling a blunt.
If you're rolling a joint, on the other hand, a grinder is crucial.
Anyway, let's get started!
Step 1: Gut the Blunt Wrap
Pay attention, because this part is important:
Unless you bought yourself a cigar wrap without any tobacco in it, you're going to have to gut your blunt.
I've only smoked a blunt with tobacco in it once, and it's never happening again – that shit is gross!
Stoner Story
There I was, trying to get high as a kite once again. I had a blunt in one hand and some Green Crack in the other (some super OG kush).
It took way longer than necessary, and I ended up ruining the blunt because I couldn't cut it straight to save my life.
Now, keep in mind I was already 3 blunts, 2 joints, and a fat gravity bong rip deep, so cut me some slack...
Anyway, before my high ass ruined the other one, my friend (also baked) walked over, grabbed the blunt, and popped it in his splitter.
I couldn't believe it - that high bastard split the blunt perfectly and it took 2 seconds.
Sure, I was toasted and it probably wasn't actually that cool, but to me, it was mind blowing. It was the best thing since sliced bread.
Moral of the story?
Blunt splitters are dank.
In any event, if you want to roll a blunt, you're going to have to get rid of the stuff that's already inside of the blunt wrap.
Unless you want to hate your life and look like a total noob, we highly recommend using a blunt splitter.
Blunt splitters are little tiny devices that can fit on your keychain.
All you have to do is push a blunt through it, and the blunt splits perfectly every time!
They're super dank too because you can use them to split a blunt no matter where you are, and they're way easier than using a knife.
Keychain blunt splitters like this insanely cheap 5-pack on Amazon come with free next-day shipping too.
I know you've already killed most of your brain cells by this point, but come on – this one is a no brainer.
But if you can't spare $5, I got you bro – it's a hard on these streets.
Though it's not as easy, you can be a broke boy and use a knife – preferably a box cutter – instead.
Sure, you won't be Smokephisticated if you use a knife, but it'll get the job done.
It's much easier to roll the blunt back up with weed if you split the blunt straight down the middle.
The blunt should only have one cut down the middle, and you should do everything you can to make sure it is as straight as possible.
If you don't have a knife or a blunt splitter, you can always use your thumbs.
Ever wonder why stoners have long nails?
They're splitting blunts all day, and it's easier to use your thumbs if you have nails!
The more you know, right?
Anyway, if you are using your thumbs, take your time.
It's best to go slow and have a well-split blunt than to rush and have a cluster-fucked blunt wrap to work with.
Once the blunt is split, take your finger and brush the tobacco into the garbage. You won't be needing it.
Step 2: Prepare Your Weed
Wouldn't it be nice if you could just throw a few big nugs in a blunt and call it a day?
Obviously, that's not the case.
Next, you have to prep your weed for the blunt.
Although some rollers prefer to grind their weed, I choose to break up my grass by hand.
Here's why:
Blunts are essentially rolled in tobacco.
Unlike a joint, which is wrapped with a thin paper, a blunt wrap is a bit thicker and burns more slowly.
If you grind your weed before you roll a blunt, the weed will burn a bit too fast, especially when compared to the rate at which the blunt wrap itself is burning.
Instead, if you break up the weed by hand into tiny pieces – that aren't completely ground, however – the blunt will burn more evenly and slowly, giving you a better high for your supply.
With the nugs in between your fingers, firmly rub them together until each bug is properly broken up.
The weed should look something like this when all is said and done:
The pieces of weed in this image are about the size of grains of quinoa, maybe a tad bigger.
Now that your blunt wrap and weed are prepared and ready to go, it's time to begin the rolling phase!
Step 3: Fill the Blunt Wrap with Weed
This is probably one of the easiest steps when it comes to rolling a blunt.
All you have to do is lay your blunt down and open it up a bit.
Take the weed that you've prepared and sprinkle it in the blunt wrap.
Notice that, unlike a joint which requires you to distribute the weed lightly by the filter and gradually increasing towards the end, you distribute the weed evenly in a blunt wrap.
Joints are supposed to have a cone shape, whereas blunts are more like a uniform log.
Once you have all of your weed in the blunt, it's time for the fourth step… which also happens to be the hardest.
I know you're probably high af right now, but don't screw this up – the fate of your blunt depends on it!
Step 4: Tuck The Blunt
Ah yes, it's time for the tuck.
Perfect tuck technique is hard to come by, and it takes a while to get the hang of it.
However, like most things in life, tucking is much easier after some practice.
Begin by picking up the blunt with two hands, and rolling it back and forth a bit in your hands.
This way, you'll make sure the weed is sitting flat in the bottom of the blunt wrap.
If some weed falls out during the process, it's okay. That's why we recommend buying a rolling tray.
Toker Tool
Metal Raw Rolling Tray
Raw Rolling Tray
They're cheap, stylish, and most importantly, they're practical – all of the weed that falls during the rolling process is collected in one place.
I always hate cleaning up weed crumbs from my desk, as most of them end up being wasted.
Once you have the weed flat against the wrap, tuck the side of the blunt wrap closest to you over the weed and underneath of the other side, like so:
Great, your weed is in the blunt, and the closer edge should be tucked properly. It's time to begin the last step.
You're almost there!
Step 5: Lick, Roll, and Bake!
With the closer side of the blunt wrap tucked, lick the opposite edge that's still popping up.
After that entire side has been licked you can finish the rolling process.
It's pretty easy from here:
Just press the upper edge – that should be lightly coated with saliva – down over the tucked part of the blunt wrap.
If you did it right, the saliva should make the wrap stick together again.
You may have to lick the wrap a bit more as you're rolling.
The key is licking it enough to make the blunt stick together again without drowning the wrap in spit.
When you're finished rolling the blunt, it's probably going to be a bit moist from your saliva.
Nobody wants to smoke a soggy doobie.
Take your lighter, and quickly run the flame back and forth across the blunt, slowly rotating the blunt to heat every side evenly.
You'll be killing two birds with one stone:
- Toasting the blunt dries the saliva and makes the wrap firm again
- You're also (hopefully) killing some bacteria – or, at least your friends think you are. Smoking a soggy blunt is gross!
Congragulations! You have just rolled yourself a blunt.
Now it's time for the last part of the process:
Find a nice place to smoke with your buddies, and get baked!
It's time to face your blunt, and let it deface you!
Can You Roll Blunt With Swisher Sweet Blk
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