A Fun and Easy Origami Shield
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When you're going into battle, the first item you mostly likely grab is a sharp, ornate sword. However, the importance of a protective shield truly cannot be overstated. Whether you're facing your most evil nemesis, or simply dressing the part, a shield is a crucial component. Instead of rushing out to purchase one, try crafting your own using only paper, tape, and glue. Not only can you save a little money, but you can emblazon it with your personal insignia to strike fear in the heart of your enemies.
Gather your materials. For this project, you will need thirty or more pieces of plain white paper, tape, scrap paper or newspaper, construction paper or thin poster board in the color of your choice, scissors, and ordinary glue in a squeeze bottle. You will need a flat surface to work on. Because you are using glue, you may want to cover your surface in newspaper before beginning.
- If you want to decorate your shield, you'll also need markers, paint, stencils, glitter, or any other decorating materials.
- Keep in mind that this specific shield is made entirely out of paper products, so there may be better DIY options for anyone looking for an extremely sturdy, polished shield.
Roll the plain white paper into tubes. You will want to create about thirty in total. These tubes will create the width of the shield. This requires slow and steady work, so take your time! This step will probably be the most time-consuming step of this craft.[1]
- Start at the corner of the paper, and roll diagonally. Roll it tightly, so that it ends up about the width of a chopstick.
- Once you've rolled the paper completely, tape down the remaining loose corner.
- This will require about thirty sheets, but you may end up using slightly more or less.
Lay all of the tubes flat on a surface. They may vary slightly in length, but that's perfectly fine. Line them up side by side so that they form a rectangle. To envision what you are creating, think of the wall of a log cabin. It's created of logs laying side by side. The tubes will be forming a three-dimensional rectangle, like the wall of a log cabin.[2]
Tape all of the paper tubes together. Take long strips of tape and lay them across the tubes. Once the tubes are all held together pretty well, you can add reinforcement by wrapping long pieces of tape across the front and around to the back. Make sure that you are taping the top, bottom, front, and back of the tubes evenly. Do this repeatedly, and use a lot of tape, until the tubes form one study rectangle that you can pick up and gently shake without any coming loose.
Tear spare newspaper into strips. You'll need to tear enough paper to cover the surface of your shield. It doesn't matter what kind of paper you use or the size of strips you create in this step, because it won't show anywhere when the shield is completed. This paper will simply be used to create a flat surface between the paper tubes and the decorated paper you will eventually be placing on top.[3]
Glue the paper strips onto the tubes. Spread a thin layer of glue evenly over the paper tubes. Ordinary squeezable Elmer's glue will do the trick. Glue the torn strips of paper all over the tubes. Only one side of the tubes needs to be covered, and don't worry about covering the sides of the tubes. Make sure all of the tubes are covered by scrap paper. Let this dry completely.[4]
Choose what color you want your shield to be. You can use either construction paper or thin poster board for this step. Obviously, the shield will be larger and more heavy-duty if you use poster board, but you will also need to create more paper tubes for the backing. This colored paper will be used to cover the paper tube structure you've created.[5]
- Large sheets of paper work great, but you can also simply tape regular size sheets together.
Trace the outline of your shield onto the colored paper. To make sure that the design you create will fit onto the tube structure you've created, you may want to lay down the tube structure first and trace around it. Then, you can draw any shape you desire within the outline of the tubes. Once you've traced your shield onto the colored paper, cut it out.[6]
- You can use a traditional shield shape, a circle, or find a unique shield design online.
- Shields can be pointed, rounded, simple, or intricate. Different shapes and styles can designate different time periods or geographic regions, so you can put some thought into the design you choose.[7]
Lay the cut out shield onto your paper tubes. Taking a pencil, lightly trace the outline of the shield onto the side of the tubes covered by the newspaper strips. The surface may be slightly bumpy from the tubes, so go slow and get the best outline you can. After you've traced the shield onto the tube structure, use the scissors to cut the shape.[8]
- Complete this step slowly and carefully. Since you'll be cutting through the taped together tubes, this can be kind of tricky. You can cut out the general shield shape, and then clean up any sloppy edges afterwards.
- Lay your colored shield outline onto the tube structure to make sure they are both the same shape.
Decorate the shield on the colored paper. It is easiest to do this before you glue it onto the tubes, because you can draw, paint, stamp, or write on a flat surface. Get creative! You can draw a picture, create a bold outline, write something, or anything else you desire.
- One popular shield design is a family crest. You can find your family crest using a Google search, but be aware that you may find several different ones for your name.[9]
Glue the decorated paper shield onto the cut tubes. The paper shield and the tubes should be in the exact same shape, but you can trim the tubes if they do not line up perfectly. Remember to glue the shield onto the side of the tubes covered by newspaper. Put a flat, heavy object on top of the shield as it dries, so that it dries smoothly and firmly.[10]
Create your handle. If you've created a pretty large, heavier shield, you may want to use poster board for this step. If you used regular paper for your entire shield, than a few stacked sheets of regular paper should work fine for your handle. Use your judgment to choose which material will best support the weight of the shield you've already created.[11]
- If you are using poster board, simply cut a rectangle about the length of a standard piece of paper. The width should be a width that you can comfortable wrap your hand around.
- If you choose to use sheets of paper, line them up evenly. Then, begin rolling the stack length-wise. The width of the final rolled strip should be about one inch, or whatever width you can grip comfortably.
Lay your hand across the paper or poster board. Taking a pencil, make dashes on the surface on either side of your hand, so that you've marked the width of your hand. This step is necessary so that the handle is wide enough for you to grip. Remove your hand, and fold the strip where you've made the marks, creating a handle shape.[12]
- To help you visualize this, imagine folding the paper into a geometric U-shape.
- The trough of the U is where you will be gripping the handle, and the tips of the U will be where the handle attaches to the shield.
Tape the handle onto the back of your shield. To do this, you will need to create two more folds at the ends of the paper, flattening the ends so they can be taped down to the surface of the shield. You can place it directly in the middle of the shield, or wherever you prefer holding it. Use several strips of tape so that it is very sturdy. If your handle falls off during battle, your shield will be useless![13]
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What You'll Need
- Plain white paper (30 sheets or more)
- Construction paper (at least 2 sheets)
- Spare newspaper
- Tape
- Glue
- Decorations (markers, paint, etc.)
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Source: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Paper-Shield
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